
This is my personal blog so there will be a hodge-podge of topics that I'll cover. Everything from my personal philosophy, cosmology, and religious views. I'm no authority on any topic but I love foreign languages, ancient literature, and writing computer programs.

About Me

Παῖς μὲν γεννᾶται ἔχων καρδίαν χρυσήν, ἡ δὲ ὁδὸς τοῦ κόσμου παγώνει καὶ παχύνει τὴν καρδίαν αὐτοῦ.

A child is born with a heart of gold but the way of the world makes their heart so cold.

We all have our watershed moments; it happened when I first heard these words while listening to Earth, Wind, and Fire's That's the Way of the World. After meditating on these words, I came to the conclusion that I was wrong when it came to the concept of original sin.

I reread St. Paul's letter to the Romans where this doctrine of original sin was first detailed and realized that I realized a few problems with the Greek, Latin, and even our English translations. I'm not claiming to know more than St. Paul but perhaps we might be wrong on our understanding of Paul's presentation.

It is for this reason that I began to question everything. Yes, it all started with a song and it's my intent to use this blog to share my insight and my conclusions. It's not my intent to disprove Christianity or to challenge another's faith so I invite you to read my entries with an open mind.

You may find me on Twitter @MCG2600

Special thanks to James Koster for this template. You may download this and others here.